Équipe – Théorie du Rayonnement Matière et Phénomènes Quantiques (RMPQ)

The « Theory of light-matter and quantum phenomena » (RMPQ) group has been founded to promote theoretical studies on elementary and collective quantum effects, at the crossroads between light-matter physics, condensed matter, and ultra-cold quantum gases.

RMPQ is the theory group of the « PEPS division« .

Group activities are developed in close collaboration with several national and international experimental groups, and are motivated by both fundamental and applicative challenges in quantum physics.

Main group research activities, conducted by means of analytical and advanced numerical tools in theoretical physics, are :

  • non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum physics (Casimir-Lifshiz interaction, heat transfer, fluctuations-dissipation theorems, entanglement, light-harvesting complexes, quantum thermal machines)
  • light and energy transport properties in periodic or disordered quantum complex systems (ultra cold quantum gases, quantum dots, photonics crystals, artificial atomic crystals, graphene)
  • few and many-body quantum physics (Bose-Einstein condensation, collective oscillations, solitons, and quantum vortices in Bose and Fermi atomic gases, polaritons in semiconductors)
  • plasmonics and nanophotonics (graphene, gratings, numerical electromagnetism)

The official updated group webpage is here.
For more information on the group publications click here.
For more information on the group research click here.

Current members :

ANTEZZA Mauro (Enseignant Chercheur)
CASSAGNE David (Enseignant Chercheur)
GUIZAL Brahim (Enseignant Chercheur)
LUO Minggang (Post-Doc)